Employee Benefits (PEO) for Your Growing Business
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Suffering from HR overload?
Most small business owners know that great HR is a “must” to growing their company.
Yet, every one of our hundreds of clients has struggled with at least one of the problems below.
All of which guHRoo (formerly ERG) solves with our HR services.
Payroll & HR Services With A Purpose
guHRoo (formerly ERG) Payroll & HR Services is a mission-first company.
We started guHRoo (formerly ERG) to make a difference in the communities of our clients. We give 3% of ALL revenue to local schools and non-profits. We also give 1% of our time and 1% of our product.
When added together guHRoo (formerly ERG) Payroll & HR Services strives to give 5% of revenue back to the community. We believe business is about more than profit.
Read more about guHRoo (formerly ERG) Payroll & HR’s volunteer efforts in our recent blog post.