
How Have Technological Advances Affected HR Procedures?

categories: Blog, Hiring, HR Software
how have technological advances affected hr procedures

HR teams now use technology to communicate with employees, maintain personnel records, and evaluate employee performance. Technology improves HR procedures when used properly. 

When misused, it might obstruct the company’s human resources management. Effective integration of technology into HR procedures increases the advantages and reduces the issues.

The sections below show more details on how technology has altered HR processes.

Internet-Supported Changes in Recruitment

Connecting with job searchers required a phone call, facetime, or a letter prior to the internet and email. Companies frequently post job openings online in the twenty-first century and ask applicants to submit their applications via an online applicant tracking system. 

The time HR would have spent handling paper resumes or personal calls is greatly reduced as a result.

However, the system’s effectiveness for the candidates isn’t usually considered in HR procedures. Due to their common format, online forms can make it difficult to distinguish between a stellar performer and a slacker. 

A poorly designed system with unclear instructions and long response times may discourage job searchers from applying with the company.


It’s simpler than ever for HR professionals to communicate with the rest of the business thanks to email, text messages, and chat apps. One email with an attachment or a Slack conversation can reach a dozen people at once if a manager wants to inform the project team of a changed timetable. 

However, there is a danger in leaning too heavily on technology to save time. It could be preferable to provide the two pages of information in the email to the group in person. Everyone will be able to ask inquiries and get answers in this manner.

Performance Data Analysis

In the past, evaluating employee performance relied on subjective evaluations and plain standards: Was the task completed on schedule by the employee? Is their supervisor confident in them?

With the use of technology, compiling and analyzing employee data to create a comprehensive picture is made simpler. Which duties do they excel at? Do they complete all the objectives from the performance review from the previous year? 

Even a large portion of the work involved in appraising people can be done by software.

Data Collection

Employees may sense a loss of privacy if HR uses data collecting and analysis more extensively. Finding the truth behind a harassment claim or someone drinking at work may be easier if a company has security cameras that watch over employees every second. 

Being continually watched, meanwhile, can also alienate workers. Knowing how much data can be collected and how much should be collected are both important components of good HR practices.

The HR division may receive more data than it can handle, which is another concern. Wading through data to get pertinent information becomes impossible after a certain point. 

Additionally, HR might interpret information incorrectly or create assumptions that a face-to-face discussion could clarify.

Security Procedures

Locking a file cabinet was once the only way to secure employee records. Best HR practices in the twenty-first century must involve security for digital data. Some forms of security, like a robust firewall, are more of an IT issue. 

However, HR must have solid procedures in place that control who has access to private information, both in hard copy and digital versions.


Technological advances have enabled organizations to better engage with their employees, allowing them to provide a more personalized and engaging experience. 

As technology continues to evolve, the impact it has on HR procedures is likely to become even more significant.

guHRoo is ready to serve you if you need HR solutions. We are HR and payroll specialists focused on you, your employees, and your company. Schedule a call today and learn what better HR services look like!


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