
engage, retain, and grow your people: employee engagement ideas

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engage retain and grow your people employee engagement ideas

Let’s face it, some people on your team are miserable. They are on LinkedIn right now looking for their next job. According to Gallup, only 30% of employees are actively engaged. That means you have more than just a few miserable people on your team.

Why does this matter?

Actively engaged employees outperformed the disengaged employees by 200%. That’s right – 200%. That is a staggering number and should have all of us scrambling to move our people to that level of engagement. 

How do we engage our team members and retain them longer?

While there is not a single action that can achieve this, there is a combination of things. In his best-selling book “Ping-Pong is Not a Strategy: How to Create an Awesome Organizational Culture”, Matt Vaadi outlines the “guHRoo (formerly ERG) Method” for engaging, retaining, and growing your teammates. 

Employee Engagement Ideas

In this video we cover the key principles including how to improve each of these areas of your organization:

  • Hiring – Screening, selection, and onboarding of new hires.
  • Performance – Shifting to an outcome-focused environment, education and training, and goal setting.
  • Culture Building – Recognition, compensation and benefits, diversity and inclusion, and teambuilding.
  • Compliance – HR Regulations, policies, and procedures. Yes, even compliance has a role in growing our team.


Regardless of how mature your HR function is at your organization, you will learn something during this spirited session. Matt’s passion and experience in helping teams grow will keep you engaged throughout.

Employee training and development is recognized as a strategic tool for an organization or company’s continued growth & productivity. If organizations neglect certain challenges, then the employee development process will lack value for both the organization and the employee.

Employers today must develop their employee’s talent instead of hiring new staff. Especially with the struggles to hire after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reasons for implementing the guHRoo (formerly ERG) method for employee engagement ideas include:

  • Remain competitive in your industry.
  • Deal with ongoing skills & hiring shortages. 
  • Adapt to changing business structures. 
  • Increase worker productivity. 
  • Reduce high employee turnover.
  • Align employee development with your organizational needs. 

Successful employers integrate development and succession planning programs into the organization’s overall strategy, ensuring all programs drive towards employee engagement ideas. 

About the Speaker

Matt Vaadi is a social entrepreneur focused on alleviating homelessness in Columbia, SC, and the surrounding areas. He accomplishes this mission by donating three percent of all revenue from his companies to local charities focused on addressing this need. 

Matt has been working in marketing and HR since 2003. He is passionate about creating better workplaces and helping small businesses grow. He is a best-selling author of the book “Ping-Pong is Not a Strategy: How to Create an Awesome Organizational Culture”. 

He now serves as CEO of guHRoo (formerly ERG) Payroll & HR, an HR outsourcing firm in Columbia, SC. He is also the founder of Grow! (a digital marketing agency), Guhroo (a white label HR software provider), and GrowCo (a non-profit providing resources to high-growth potential companies in the Midlands). He stays busy. 

You can keep up with everything Matt has going on here.


About guHRoo (formerly ERG)

Most small business owners know that great HR is a “must” to growing their company.

Yet every one of our hundreds of clients has struggled with HR compliance and best practices.

We provide all-in-one HR services including payroll, employee benefits, and compliance so that you can focus on running your business.

If that sounds helpful, we’d love to talk. You can get in touch at support@ergpayroll.com or at 803-575-0710.


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