
Four Ways to Recognize Your Employees

categories: HR Tips, News
four ways to recognize your employees

Employee Recognition For Your Team

How often do you say “thanks” to your team? Daily, occasionally, during an annual review? Here are four ways to create a culture of appreciation that includes employee recognition in your workplace:

Involve your employees in the big decisions and strategic planning of the organization. 
Solicit their ideas about the direction you’re headed. Discuss the future of the company with them, along with their place within it. Consider what they have to say and give them credit for their input. By doing all this, you show your employees that they’re important to you and to the success of the organization. When they feel valued, they’ll feel appreciated.

Invest in your employees.
A huge aspect of employee recognition is to offer them opportunities for advancement. If promotions aren’t possible in your business, then give employees opportunities to develop their skills and learn new ones. Provide coaching and training sessions—or cover the costs of outside services. Employees will feel appreciated when they can see that you care about their professional development.

Employee recognition by employee achievements.
Don’t wait for performance reviews or end-of-year events to give employees the recognition they deserve. Use whatever electronic communication system you have in place to speak well of your employees and their achievements. Perhaps institute a peer-recognition program in which employees can praise each other for jobs well done.

Say “Thank you” every day.
When managers show their gratitude, they set the expectations for the workplace. Regularly saying “thank you” fosters a more welcoming and respectful environment and helps employees know that they’re appreciated.

Appreciation can be given in many ways, so whether you show it through engagement, involvement, investment, or recognition, you’ll be making gratitude a key value of your workplace culture.

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