
Who Not How & The Power Of Peer Networking

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In this episode of Payrollin’, Matt chats with Paul Abel about the “Who Not How” and the overall power of peer networking when it comes to your payroll business.


About Payrollin’

Listen in as Matt Vaadi talks to other payroll and HR bureau owners about how they grew their business. Follow the stories of bureaus from their first client to millions in sales. Learn from their mistakes, best practices, and struggles along the way.

If you are a payroll and HR industry professional that wants to learn from other executives, this is the podcast for you.

Matt has owned a payroll and HR company for over six years. He has also worked for the big red machine where he was a consistent top 10% performer and award winner. He has developed HR software. He knows payroll.


About The Payrollin’ Guest: Paul Abel

Poster ElitePaul Abel has developed several brands that assist Small Business Owners, HR Professionals, Payroll Bureaus, and large corporations with HR and safety solutions.

Established in 2005, Elite Business Ventures, Inc has helped over 100,000 businesses comply with the constantly changing labor laws and safety regulations. Our solutions assist employers to cope with regulatory changes while delivering simple, cost-effective, and comprehensive solutions that prevent costly employee-related fines or lawsuits. Poster Elite’s posters are hanging in company break rooms across the US.

Pauk’s brands include: www.osha4less.com, www.24hourHR.com, www.MyOSHAstore.com, www.compliance4less.com, and www.PosterElite.com


About The Payrollin’ Host: Matt Vaadi

Matt Vaadi is a human resources expert and serial entrepreneur. He’s the founder and CEO of ERG Payroll & HR, a company that helps small businesses streamline and automate their HR function. He’s also the founder and CEO of Grow by ERG, a digital marketing and SEO shop, as well as a founding member of GrowCo, a Columbia, SC-based collective of business owners and co-founders.


What’s Covered In This Episode

Paul has been an entrepreneur for many years. He has seen his own family struggle with compliance issues in their business and decided he is not going to allow the same issues in his business. 

He worked with a project manager to streamline his business processes. Through hiring this project manager he was able to reduce the number of employees to complete a project, streamline the entire process, and see the qualitative results. He also found extreme value in the networks he has built through many different network groups. 

Paul discusses his journey starting as a sweat equity partner in his family business, to finding young payroll group and other amazing networking groups. He found a way to simplify compliance issues for his business as well as other payroll companies. 


Paul and Matt discuss the following and more:

  • How To Make The Commitment to Your Entrepreneurial Dream
  • The steps he took to optimize his business
  • How optimizing processes is all on the setup
  • How peer mentoring can help your business
  • How to put some skin in the payroll market game
  • The Power of Group Networking


About Guhroo

helping companies growMost payroll companies know that great HR is a “must” to growing their company.

Yet when does a payroll company owner find the time to devote to their own company payroll & HR services?

Guhroo provides all-in-one HR services including payroll, employee benefits, and compliance so that you can focus on running your own payroll business.

If that sounds helpful, we’d love to talk. You can get in touch at 803-605-1855.

Grow your firm with Guhroo. The advanced white-label HR software that is backed by support for both you and your clients.


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