
Annual Client Satisfaction Survey Results

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HR Solutions

Customer service is the lifeblood of our business. It is the thing we are most passionate about. Our mission is to make you an HR Hero and your business a success by serving as your faithful HR Guides.

Below is a quick recap of our annual client satisfaction survey. We sent this survey to all of our clients and received a response from more than 60% of our active clients. We are taking this information and using it to improve our systems and support. I thought it would be helpful to share it with you so you can see where we shine and where we are aiming to improve.

We have made substantial investments in our team, technology, and client support workflows over the last 18 months that are clearly paying dividends. This includes a new customer support software that includes advanced analytics and AI to help us better serve our clients, new HR software options, and completing the migration on to our new payroll system in Q1 of 2018.

Please see the highlights of the survey and recaps of some of the questions along with insights into how we are going to improve based on the feedback our clients provided below.


  • More than 60% of our clients participated in our annual client survey. This is the highest participation we have ever had.
  • We had a Net Promoter Score of 81. The average net promoter score is 32. The score ranges from -100 to +100. In other words, 81 is fantastic. We are ecstatic to have the opportunity to serve such a wonderful group of people.
  • We have a lot of opportunities to improve our communication. While this was a strength overall, there were a few mentions of how we can further improve both our reactive and proactive communication to both payroll and HR clients.

Net Promoter Score

Below is a recap of several of the key questions asked in the survey:

Why switch payroll

We are really excited to see that over 70% of our clients found us to be extremely responsive. This still leaves us the opportunity to improve our responsiveness. We recently implemented a new analytics program in our customer support software that allows us to more accurately measure first responses based on business hours, geography, and client sentiment. We already saw our first response time drop 75% below the expectation we set with our clients.

Switch payroll to guHRoo (formerly ERG)

We pride ourselves on having a great team and it showed during the survey. We are currently adding two more employees to our account management team to increase redundancy and ensure that our clients don’t suffer from gaps in knowledge should teammates be out of the office. Our team, using our systems, is our secret sauce. We will continue to invest in both.


Below are a few of the responses to free-form questions asked in the survey. We are taking the feedback and looking at ways to improve communication and consistency for each client experience.

What do you like most about guHRoo (formerly ERG) services?

  • Ease of use, friendly staff, knowledgeable people, overall really great team and would recommend them to anyone. Emily and Amanda have been absolutely wonderful.
  • That if a mistake happens, which is human nature, it is rectified immediately even if that means going out of their way.
  • Local and easy to reach. They are always friendly.
  • How easy it is to get in contact with my HR team. They respond and resolve any issues very quickly and I can get ahold of them at virtually any time.
  • Fun and energetic team but takes seriously the work that they do and the importance of protecting people’s pay processes.
  • it’s helped us instill better hiring practices. They’ve also taken a lot of the leg work out of revising our employee handbook.
  • The clear, direct help on tricky issues that we would struggle with; the quick service on small logistical things that we don’t want to spend time on!

What could guHRoo (formerly ERG) improve to make your experience better?

  • In some of the more challenging issues, quicker responses would be nice. One stop shopping, offer insurance and benefits coverage.
  • Make HR disappear, at least from a visible standpoint. If I spent 0% of my time on this other than employee development in-house, it would be the biggest win in the history of business since K-cups.
  • We were originally working on proactively improving our office and HR policies, and that has either slowed or discontinued. Your help in prodding us to continue with this type of work would be appreciated.
  • Nothing significant that comes to mind. Technology continues to advance so always staying on top of the online platform, mobile access, etc. will be essential.

The good news is that we already offer recruiting and staffing and healthcare benefits. If we are not a good fit, we also refer to local partners. We also offer workers comp integration and partner with several agencies. We don’t offer Executive Coaching but would be open to finding ways to provide this through a partner if it made sense for our clients.

We are continuing to focus on ways we can improve the experience for our clients and expect to be launching more improvements in the next 90 days including enhanced customer onboarding, training, and better access to data.

While we are pleased with the results, we recognize there is still a lot of room for improvement. We want to be the most trusted HR Guides in the country and it will take continued investment in our people and processes to get there. We are excited about the journey and what’s next.

Thanks for reading and for being part of the journey!

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